Bash script to batch backup/restore MySQL database Back up the specified databases. Import database backup. Note: The database should be created before restoring it.
人生要用心去度量 Back up the specified databases. Import database backup. Note: The database should be created before restoring it.
After purchasing an insurance policy through the Alipay platform, Mr. Zhang, a consumer, found that his mobile phone had been “remotely screen-recorded”. To this end, h… 继续阅读 Through Alipay online insurance purchase, the mobile phone was “remote screen recording”?
Looking at the price trend of BTC, the price of 1 BTC will exceed $1 million in 10 years. This is my personal prediction, no matter any investment is risky, BTC is a high-yield lon… 继续阅读 Prediction about the price of BTC
WordPress widget plugin WSJ Recent Comments 1.1.1 released! This WordPress plugin can customize the number of comments and characters for comments in the widget. If you need, you c… 继续阅读 WordPress widget plugin WSJ Recent Comments released!
GoDaddy 是老牌的域名供应商,用户可向 GoDaddy 购买域名,并使域名连接至用户的网站,昨天 GoDaddy 宣布与 Ethereum Name Service(ENS)合作,开放用户使用普通域名(如「.com」),连接「.eth」后缀 Web3 网域,将更简化 ENS 的使用流程。 过去用户无法通过浏览器 URL 直接连接 ENS 域名,还必须透… 继续阅读 域名供应商GoDaddy宣布与以太坊域名服务ENS合作
WOW EARN 是一个拥有一系列尖端 Web3 解决方案的生态系统,包括 WOW EARN 钱包、WOW EARN 链、挖矿、质押、交换等等! WOW EARN 宣布推出创新的 WOW EARN 链,该链目前作为第 1 层区块链运行,这是重新定义区块链格局的大胆举措。 这一重大技术进步使 WOW EARN Chain 处于区块链创新的前沿,提供无与伦比的效… 继续阅读 WOW EARN : “您通向 Web3 的大门!”
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